Lost Treasures - Frontierland
Indian Canoes
Between 1992 and 1994, daring guests could try their hand at the Indian Canoes, moored at an old Indian landing bay decorated with hides and birch bark.

Assisted by two Indian guides, twenty guests (per canoe) paddled the Rivers Of The Far West past abandoned mines, Joe’s Landing, Wilderness Island, Audio-Animatronic animals and geysers, under a rocky arch that spans the river’s two islands (“Rainbow Arch”) and down through a flooded cavern beneath Big Thunder Mountain.

Today, the loading canal of the Indian Canoes can still be found at the back of the “Pocahontas Indian Village” playground (opened in 1996).
Woodcarver’s Workshop
In the early nineties, guests could pick up charming hand-whittled figures souvenirs in the Woodcarver’s Workshop at Cottonwood Creek Ranch, near Frontierland Depot.

By request, the Woodcarver fashioned plain wooden offcuts into lifelike models of your favorite farm animals or figures such as eagles, Indians and quarter horses.

The Woodcarver left his small workshop in 1995. Nowadays, the structure (only) serves as “Santa Claus’ Post Office” during Christmas time.