Halloween at Disneyland Paris – Photo Report Edition 2012
I have to admit it.
I don't like being scared and I don't ever find violence funny.
I can’t stand movies like “The Exorcist” or “No Country for Old Men” and I was never big on haunted house attractions. That’s most likely the reason why I wasn’t too fond of Halloween for years and by consequence never visited Disneyland Paris during the Autumn season.
But that all changed last year when a Twitter friend encouraged me to attend the “Terrorific Night” event at the Walt Disney Studios Park. He had been there the year before and said that I should give it a try.

While being at the Resort for the hard ticket event, I got to experience the Disneyland Paris Halloween season for the very first time. And after day one, I was completely sold on it.

In 2011, the Halloween Festival was reinvented. The “Pumpkin Men” and “Pink Witches” were retired, Mickey and his friends took over the celebrations and gave it a more traditional Disney-esque feel.

I was immediately touched by the classy, Americana and cartoony appearance of the festival. And I enjoyed my first “Terrorific Night” as well! During the event, I wasn’t as scared as I thought I would be.

The street shows were sufficiently eerie, but not too frightening. And most of the Walt Disney Studios Park attractions got a nice two-night-only Halloween overlay.

It was the charm of the Halloween celebrations at the Disneyland Park, the atmosphere of Autumn across the Resort and the unique qualities of the “Terrorific Night” event that made me return.
And boy was I happy came back for the 2012 Halloween season! At the Disneyland Park, Main Street USA got some stunningly beautiful new ghostly decorations.
City Hall.

Main Street Gazebo.

Walt’s, An American Restaurant.

Casey’s Corner.

Disney & Co.

The Emporium.

Disney Clothiers, Ltd.

Main Street Vehicles.

Some inhabitants of Main Street USA.

“Goofy’s Candy Machine” next to “Bixby Babies” shop.

Frontierland was transformed into Halloweenland and accommodated a brand new generation of better designed “Pumpkin Men”.

Fort Comstock.

Bonanza Outfitters & Tobias Norton and Sons.

The Lucky Nugget Saloon.

Big Thunder Mountain.

In Fantasyland, guests could meet their favorite Disney Villain.

And the Castle Stage saw the return of the fabulous, interactive "Mickey's Halloween Treat in the Street" show.

Terrorific Night 2012 featured more street shows and a Halloween short film written especially for Disneyland Paris by the famous French author Maxime Chattam.

The event was once again very enjoyable and well organized. And that should not come as a surprise! I got to meet the Cast Members who put together this amazing night.

The Disneyland Paris Business Solutions team are all very dedicated and knowledgeable and they made a big effort to make this year’s edition a masterpiece.

Rehearsals “Terrorific Night 2012”.

Meeting with mister Maxime Chattam.

Until this day, I’m extremely happy and grateful that one of my dearest Twitter friends encouraged me to visit Disneyland Paris during the Halloween season and attend the “Terrorific Night” event.
Otherwise I would have missed out on a lot of fun…

And now it’s my turn… to pass on the magic of Halloween at Disneyland Paris to those of you who have never been there during that particular moment of the year.
You should definitely give it a try… just like I did a few years ago. You won’t be disappointed! After all, Halloween at Disney is spook-tacularly fun!

Note: The first fifteen photos aren’t necessarily related to what’s being discussed in the text that precedes or follows them.